Online Bookshelf

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday 10/29

Today the children added dedication and about the author pages to their stories. We look forward to having an author celebration soon to share published pieces.  Keep an eye out for an invitation in your child's home/school folder soon.... 

We spent some time today talking about our new Readers Workshop.  We are a special group of people in a reading club together--- the super awesome first grade reading club :)
We thought about the steps of reading.  We compared it to playing soccer. 
1- getting your brain ready- warm up
Take a picture walk
Think about what might happen 
2- read the book- go!
Tap out words
Look at the picture
Find chunks 
Ask yourself does this make sense?
Reread the sentence 
3- talk or think about the book- cool down 
Favorite part

We started our first chapter book read-aloud: My Father's Dragon.  Ask your child what they know about Wild Island so far.. What happened to the dragon? 

New Open Circle game today- Don't wake the dragon. Ask your child how to play!

Tomorrow a permission slip and informational packet will be in your child's folder regarding Scratch Jr.  We are so lucky to be piloting this great program. Please send these permission slips (pink star on the last two pages) back by Monday.  There are different aspects of research that Tufts would like to gather- you can allow as much as you feel comfortable.  Our first lesson will be next Tuesday. Let me know if you need further information after reviewing the informational packet. 

Reminder- no school on Friday. 

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